Meet our new baby!
We've had the as you grow baby book in the works for almost a year. Relentlessly tweaking it to make sure it is perfect for you, and now we are ready to proudly show it off to you!
We probably went through 20 iterations of it, originally starting off as a pregnancy journal. Then it came the many rounds of ideation of what the best fabric to use, what are the best colors for the cover, what color of foil print should we use. We finally decided on our final cover colors - Grey, Navy and Cream with gold foil printing. We wanted it to be gender neutral but still extends the whimsical theme. We had a tremendous soft launch and have restocked several times already. With valuable feedback every time, we are able to improve our every iteration. If you have feedback, feel free to share with us! We would love to hear. :)
We are also in the works of developing additional pages and packs for our baby book, making it truly extensible and unique for you. We already have our toddler years pack, baptism, dedication, etc pages developed and ready to be added onto your baby book! Plus, we will even assemble it for you if you order them with your baby book order.
To celebrate this milestone with you, we've decided to include a free gift for everyone who orders an as you grow baby book! Simply add your as you grow baby book and a pack of photo mounts to the order and get the pack of photo mounts for free with your order!
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